
Friday, January 25, 2013

'Why Straight Women Love Gay Romance' Reviewed at Lambda

Geoffrey Knight's book Why Straight Women Love Gay Romance was reviewed at Lambda Literary. What has that got to do with me? Well, I was one of the 32 interviewed for the content of that book and I  want that book to succeed (which it already has!). I also met Geoff at GRL (his room was next to mine) and found him to be a true gem. Funny, outgoing and nice. Anyway, it's a very interesting review that focuses on some of the issues discussed in the book. I'm even quoted!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Chance to Get a College Fun and Gays Book

Hi guys :)

I know I just did a giveaway, but this one's a different sort. My publisher, No Boundaries Press, is having a giveaway. You need to have a facebook account to enter. Here's the very simple thing you have to do:

"Get entered to win an NBP book of choice: Simply reply to THIS post and tell us who invited you. That's all...simple. We'll pick a winner on Wednesday January 16, 2013."

NBP published my College Fun and Gays works: Hot Hands, Grade-A-Sex Deal, The Walls Have Ears and Little Stalker.

New Year's Winners

I used to draw winners for the New Year's blog hop. These are:

Kassandra for A Life Without You
Jeanette for Hot Hands 

I'll contact you ladies shortly.

Thanks for playing, everyone!

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Life Without You: Fave Books of 2012

I'm proud to announce that Pants Off Reviews has chosen A Life Without You among their Fave Books of 2012! Not only that, but Jesse, from the book, also won in the Fave Butt Virgin - Overall Virgin category ^.^ I'm sure he'd be honored if he could scoop his jaw off the ground and stop blushing.

The owner of Pants Off Reviews is having a giveaway - a choice from the list of Fave books for the winner, so if you want a chance at winning A Life Without You (or any of the other books), click this link and go for it ^.^

Another way to try to win A Life Without You or Hot Hands is to take part in the New Year's Blog Hop I'm doing.

A Life Without You:

Jesse's like a bar of soap: the tighter Adam holds on, the faster Jesse slips away. Or that's how it feels to Adam. It doesn't help that Jesse has a girlfriend back home and claims to be straight, but there's no way with all the sparks and physical intimacy flying between the two roommates.

When Adam believes he has reached his ultimate happiness, the bedroom walls come crashing down with a visit from Jesse's girlfriend.

Now Jesse has to decide if he can come to terms with his sexuality, while Adam has to learn to accept that Jesse might never be able to crawl out of the closet.