
Monday, October 13, 2014

Jamie Lynn Miller: Romance Among the Stars

I have a guest today! I've been marathon-watching Stargate Atlantis (for the third time...), and appropriately have Jamie Lynn Miller here to talk about her latest M/M sci-fi release: An Endless Sea of Stars. 

Let's start with some questions:

Is there, or has there been, a person in your life you dreaded telling about writing M/M romance?

My husband. It was four years after we got married that I started writing gay fiction (I'd previously been writing m/f). Telling my husband that I wrote male/male stories was one of the most awkward and difficult conversations I’ve ever had in my life! At least on my part! Turns out I’d worked myself up for nothing. Bless his heart, he took the news without even blinking and has been my biggest supporter ever since my first book was published in 2008. Like he said, it’s perfectly acceptable for a man to get turned on by watching two women together, why should it be any different for a woman and two men? Smart man, my husband.

If you could live a day in your favorite film of all time, knowing to come out of the experience alive and well no matter the genre of the movie, would you?

Yes, absolutely! And the movie would be Star Wars, hands down. I'd give anything to either wield a lightsaber or fly an X-Wing!

Have you studied anything that you consider backs you up as a writer?

Yes, actually, I have. I've been interested in law enforcement since I was a kid and over the last several years I've taken more than 72 weeks of citizen police and fire academy classes. I used my knowledge to write Memory's Prisoner, Burnin' for You and Out of the Shadows.

Almost everyone has a quote that has stuck with them for a long time. Do you have one?

"To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life" - W. Somerset Maugham

This was on a bookmark I found inside a hardcover book I bought at a used bookstore. I couldn't believe how appropriate it was. I've always escaped into a book when things got tough, from when I was a kid. I think it's why I ended up becoming a writer.

Do you believe in the supernatural? If so, what kind, i.e. UFOs, ghosts, rebirth, poltergeist?

Yes, absolutely! I believe in ghosts, aliens and reincarnation.

What's the best fortune you've ever gotten in a fortune cookie?

Honest to God, about five years ago I got one that read "You will become an accomplished writer". I nearly fell out of my chair! I immediately taped it to my computer monitor where it still is today, inspiring me every day.

You can only watch one TV show for the rest of your life. What show is it? Why?

That would have to be The X-Files, hands down. I loved every aspect of that show, from the aliens to the creature of the week to Mulder and Scully's amazing relationship.

Could you just stop writing, for the rest of your life?

Good lord, no! There are way too many stories locked up inside my head and I don't see myself running out of ideas. Ever.

You’re going to end up on a desert island, all alone except a couple from one of your published stories. You get to choose, but keep in mind you’d probably end up witnessing them trying to kill boredom with sex. A lot. Which couple would you choose, and why?

I think I'd pick Cade and Toby from An Endless Sea of Stars. They're both quite comfortable being in and around water. So I'd get to watch them walk around in just their underwear (or nothing at all!) and frolic in the ocean. No way could I ever get bored!

Writing summaries and blurbs, love it or hate it?

Hate it! LOL! Writing a 50,000 word story is easier than having to try and condense the whole thing down to a couple of sentences.

Well, thanks for that. I haven't had the internet since I moved houses, so I've been watching TV series while I've unpacked. Among those were Firefly (and Serenity) and Stargate Atlantis. I also watched Star Wars as a child and they certainly made an impact on me. Those who know me know I'm a sucker for sci-fi. So, here's the guest post:

Many thanks to Erica for having me here today to talk about my new novella, An Endless Sea of Stars. I've been a sci-fi fan since 1977, the year that a little film called Star Wars hit the movie screens. I was only six years old back then. While my friends wanted to go see Bambi I was begging my dad to take me to Star Wars. My mother thought I was nuts and refused to go, saying my dad was just wasting his money because I wouldn't understand the movie. Seven days later and seven consecutive trips to the movies with my dad and she had to admit she'd made a mistake. :-)

To this day Star Wars remains a big part of my life. My home is filled with about a thousand pieces of memorabilia and photos of myself with many of the actors. I also love shows like the original Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, Buck Rogers, Babylon 5, Fringe, Doctor Who and Alien Nation. I also read sci-fi novels voraciously.

So why it's taken me to this day to write my first m/m sci-fi novella I have no idea! LOL! But inspiration finally hit and An Endless Sea of Stars was born.

This is Book One of the Genesis Project series, which follows the lives of a test pilot and an engineer as Earth strives to build a starship that will take them beyond the Milky Way and into deep space. My friend Gina calls the book a "futuristic romance" and I love that description. While it has sci-fi elements to it, the story takes place entirely on Earth with its focus on the love story between Toby and Cade.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


The year is 2121. While Earth has conquered exploration of the Milky Way, we have yet to develop an interstellar engine to take us beyond our own galaxy. Thus the Intergalactic Exploration Alliance and the Gemini Project were formed.

Lieutenant Tobias Dekker is fresh out of the IEA academy and determined to be assigned to the Gemini engineering team. Putting career above all else. He knows from experience that relationships have no place in the Alliance. Commander Caden Flynn is equally determined to see the Gemini prototype take flight to uncharted space. The engine is his late father's design and he wants nothing more than to be the test pilot that breaks the next light speed barrier.

Two men dreaming of a sea of stars find that it's instead an ocean here on Earth that brings them together. Can Cade convince Toby to open up his heart and take a chance on love and explore the universe with him, side by side?


Toby rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a smartass?”

At that Cade finally let loose with his suppressed laughter. “I had you going there, though, didn’t I?” he smirked.

Toby waved his hand in dismissal. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll have you know that’s never happened to me before. I would’ve gotten us outta there. I just needed another minute…or two,” he finished with an embarrassed grin.

“You know, I really should report this to Hank,” Cade quipped as he finished removing his wetsuit. “But!” he held up his hand before Toby could say anything. “We can forget about the entire thing if…” he trailed off for a second and rummaged in his duffle bag, pulling out a bottle of Kentucky bourbon and showing it to Toby. “…you have a drink with me.” He shrugged one of his shoulders. “Since I couldn’t get you to a bar with me I thought I’d bring the bar to you.”

Toby paused. Alone, in the dark, sharing a few drinks. This wasn’t a good idea. He should politely decline and say they needed to start heading back. But his mouth was apparently not listening to his brain, because before he could stop himself…


A very pleased smile crossed Cade’s face and he reached over and squeezed Toby’s bare shoulder before turning back to the duffel bag and producing two plastic cups. A few minutes later they had donned their t-shirts and shorts and were relaxing on the bow, sitting close enough that their shoulders were almost touching. The clouds had dissipated, revealing millions of stars twinkling in the clear sky and a full moon reflecting on the water.

Cade took a swallow of bourbon and turned his head toward Toby. “I can’t get over what an amazing feeling it was, being down in those caves tonight.”

Toby took a drink as well. “Been through those caves ‘bout a hundred times. But like I said earlier, there’s something different every time. It never gets boring.”

Cade looked up toward the sky. “It’s like being out in the stars. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.”

Toby couldn’t help his wistful, and envious, sigh. “Closest I’m probably ever gonna get to the stars is in one of the flight simulators.”

“From what I hear you’ve made some fabulous improvements to those simulators,” Cade said. “I wish I’d had you building and programming them when I was in flight school.”

Toby turned to look at him. “How did you know I was on the simulator team?”

Cade shrugged, took another drink. “After we met I took the liberty of looking into your Academy history.” He grinned. “I was curious as to who was going to be teaching me.” Cade shifted so that he was turned more fully toward Toby. “And I was damn impressed at what I read. You need to stop selling yourself short when it comes to your dream of working on the Gemini project. You’re in the top two percent of your class, Toby. Alliance Command is not going to overlook that when they hand out assignments next month.”

Toby shook his head. “Don’t you think they’d want someone older, more experienced, working on something as monumentally important as Earth’s first hyperdrive engine?”

“Just because you haven’t been in space doesn’t mean you’re not qualified to work on a starship engine. It’s about technical expertise, not flight time.”

Toby now turned to face Cade, a tinge of excitement in his voice. “Tell me about that. What’s it like up there? I’ve gotta admit that as much as I want to experience it for myself, it makes me kinda nervous, too.”

“It’s a lot like scuba diving, actually,” Cade began, then tipped his head up toward the sky, his voice gone quiet. “Surrounded by an endless sea of stars instead of water. It’s beautiful. And so serene. But there’s so much more out there to explore than in just our galaxy.”

Toby couldn’t help but smile at the passion and wonder in Cade’s voice. “You said we’re close to breaking barrier three?”

Cade nodded and finished off his drink, poured himself another and topped off Toby’s. “The engine tests we’ve been running are really promising. Captain Hoffman’s team is burning the midnight oil.”

“From what you told me last month it sounds like you are, too.”

Cade blew out a breath. “You know how badly you want in the Gemini program? That’s how badly I want to pilot that next barrier flight. It’s going to come down to myself, Logan Ramsey, Kenji Tran or Padma Singh. And they’re all damn good test pilots.”

“Well let me give you some sage advice that a friend of mine gave me,” Toby said with a grin. “Don’t sell yourself short.”

Cade gave him a look. “Now who’s the smartass?”

Toby just laughed and knocked his cup against Cade’s. He settled back to look up at the stars, and Cade did the same. They let the quiet of the open ocean surround them for several minutes, nothing but the sound of gentle waves against the hull.

“Does this place have a name?” Cade asked quietly.

“Not that I know of,” Toby answered.

“Then I think we should call it Dekker’s Cove.” He once again turned his head to look at Toby. “Thanks again for taking me out here. This is your spot and you didn’t have to share it with me.”

Toby turned his head to look back at Cade, his voice sincere. “I wanted to. I knew you’d appreciate how special it was.”

Cade pinned him with a gaze full of hope and desire. “There are a lot of things I’m finding are special down here.”

Toby’s breath caught in his throat. It would be so damn easy to give in to Cade’s flirtations. To say the hell with it and just reach over and touch him. Because Toby knew that’s all it would take. One touch. But then what? A summer fling, like they were teenagers away at camp? Toby just wasn’t wired like that, for one-time hook ups. Especially with someone like Cade. He knew he’d want more and he knew it’d never work. He just needed to keep reminding himself that it was Cade’s friendship that was most important, what he really wanted, was the only thing that would work between them. But it was getting harder and harder to do with each passing day he spent with Cade. His heart was warring with his head. And he honestly didn’t know which was going to win.

The moment stretched on between them, Toby knowing Cade was waiting for something from Toby, but he didn’t trust himself to speak.

Cade glanced away, then back. “Toby, I…”

And Toby’s stomach somersaulted, certain of what Cade was going to say next. He wasn’t ready for this…

“…I have to leave tomorrow.”

Toby blinked and released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Wh-what?” he stuttered, completely caught off guard by Cade’s words, so far from what he had been expecting.

Cade sighed. “I’m needed back at Alliance HQ. I found out this morning but was putting off telling you.”

“That – that’s okay. I understand,” Toby replied, trying to hide his disappointment.

“I even brought a holo vid of a rugby match I was hoping to show you tomorrow,” Cade grinned and Toby chuckled. “Next month, okay?”

Toby nodded. “Next month.”

Next month. One last chance for Toby to sort out his feelings for Cade. And be able to live with that decision with no regrets. He had a sneaking suspicion that was going to be easier said than done.


LuLu (Paperback and epub):
Barnes and Noble:
Also available at the iBookstore

Jamie Lynn Miller

Jamie Lynn Miller has been writing fiction since childhood and decided to take the plunge and go pro in 2008, finding to her amazement that people truly enjoyed her love stories. She’s a romantic at heart, and her tales reflect the desire we all have to find “the one,” persevering through trials and heartache for that happy ending.
Jamie has a degree in fine arts and has spent the last twenty years working as a graphic designer, though she’d much rather be writing. She was born in Chicago and still lives there today with her husband and their two furry, four-footed children, er… cats.
If she’s not brainstorming story ideas, you can find Jamie at a sci-fi convention, in front of a furnace doing glass blowing, or on a mat twisted into a yoga pose.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Super Couple Rockers of Black Hurricane

Today is the day you can play Hangman at The Romance Reviews's Fall Into Love event. I believe my question will be up again during September, so you should be able to answer it a few times to get points for the fun cover matching game. There will only be one question to answer, though, and that is:

What super couple name has the media given the two main characters of Black Hurricane?

Really, you're not supposed to know the answer when you play Hangman, - that's the whole fun of Hangman - but if you need a clue, you can find the answer in this excerpt:

The sun beams down on the black car that stops outside my door at noon two days later. Ally rolls down the window and tells me to hop in. Dean’s not in the car and for a moment I worry that Ally might be working on some scheme concocted by Lee to get rid of me. Crazier things have happened.
“We’ll meet up with Dean later,” she explains as she shifts the car in gear. “Need to ditch the paparazzi first. Buckle up.”
I fasten the seat belt as soon as she starts driving. Christ. Maybe this is a plot to kill me after all. I close my eyes while she zooms between lanes to give photographers a run for their money.
The paparazzi have been hounding my place ever since that YouTube video and tripled in numbers after the concert. They’re part of the reason why I've been hanging out in my loft so much these days. They've even started bugging my friends. Eric came by late last night and shoved a glossy magazine in my face with a picture of him in some awkward position while getting out of Alex’s car with his arms full of take-out. His name was even mentioned, as was his Glitter Guys Magazine. They dug it up, somehow, ’cause I know Eric didn't tell them. Knowing him, he would have posed if he’d known they were snapping pictures.
“I take it we’re not going to the house?” I say to Ally. With a gasp, I grab the handlebar to keep myself steady as she takes a sharp turn.
“Nope, he has something else planned,” she says and grins at me.
“Eyes on the road, please!”
Ally laughs and turns back to the road. “It’s so cool you guys are together. Talk about a hot couple. We've been trying to come up with a super-couple name for you, but it’s not easy since you both have short names. Dazz, maybe? McJazz? JazzQueen? Jazdean?”
“JazzQueen and Jazdean?” I scoff. “Makes us sound like girls.”
Ally snickers. “The media’s sort of already decided on Jazdean. Probably a gibe because you guys are gay. Dean didn't sound too happy about it, so us groupies have been thinking Dazz. Much cooler, right?”
“Still sounds gay. Dazz for ‘Dazzle’? But whatever, it’s way too early for a super-couple name. Technically, we've only been together for two days,” I mutter while I check the mirror for any chasers.
“Not according to the media.”
She zooms past Chinatown and through South Boston. Even though there’s no sign of the paparazzi she keeps driving like a maniac, taking extra ramps only to get back on the road southward. Damn lucky there are no cops around. By the time she stops in an empty parking lot in Dorchester, it feels like my heart got left behind somewhere on Columbia Road where she dove between two trucks.
An old rust bucket of a pickup with tinted windows and peeling red paint sidles up next to us.
“He’s in there?” I point at the vehicle that seems like it’s about to run on its last mile. I don’t want to believe that Ally’s in on Lee’s evil plot, but why would Dean drive a truck like that with all the money he’s got? This looks more like something within Lee’s budget.
“Yeah.” She gives me a small finger wave. “See you at the party tonight?”
“Well, it’s more like a get-together. Maxime thought it would be a good idea to throw one, since there are still ten days until the next concert. You know, let loose a little. But Yin didn't want a bunch of people passed out around the house, so they’re only inviting a few. I think Yin’s already called all your buddies. There’ll only be a couple of other people.”
“Right…” I take another look at the beat-up truck.
“Well, go on. He’s been planning this since yesterday. I've been following the band for a whole year now and I've never seen him this excited about anyone. So romantic.”
“Right,” I repeat a little softer. My heart finally catches up with us at her words.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and close it with a resounding snap. It only takes three steps for me to reach the handle of the junkyard truck. Who will I find behind the steering wheel? Lee with a gun or Dean with long stemmed roses?

Black Hurricane is available from most online retailers, including: MLR Press, All Romance eBooks, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and Kobo

Monday, September 8, 2014

Black Hurricane Blog Tour (5): $50 Amazon GC and Three Signed Paperbacks.

Today I'm stopping over at Decadent Delights to share a post about my favorite genre. As always, stop by and take part in the Rafflecopter for a chance to win the VIP pack. You can visit the past stops as well to increase your chances.

VIP pack: A $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of A Life Without You (novel), Hot Hands (novelette), and The Walls Have Ears (short novella) for one (international) winner.

The other tour stops:

August 18: Full Moon Dreaming
August 25: MM Good Book Reviews - Hearts on Fire (Two stops)
Sept 1: Velvet Panic - Fallen Angel Reviews - Havan Fellows (Three stops)
Sept 15: Up All Night, Read All Day - Love Bytes (Two stops)
Oct 6: It’s Raining Men - Michael Mandrake (Two stops)
Oct 13: Cate Ashwood
Oct 27: The Hat Party - Dawn's Reading Nook (Two stops)
Nov 3: Tara Lain
Nov 10: My Fiction Nook
Nov 17: Emotion in Motion - Kimi-Chan (Two stops)
Nov 24: Amanda C. Stone

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

GRL Blog Tour Giveaway

Hi guys,

It's time for my third GRL blog tour stop. This time it's at the lovely Blogger Girls where I talk about invading groups of readers and authors. 

There's also a giveaway.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Black Hurricane Blog Tour (4): $50 Amazon GC and Three Signed Paperbacks.

Today is the fourth day of my Black Hurricane tour and there are three stops today: 

I'm talking about about my writing habits on Velvet Panic.

On Fallen Angels Reviews I'm talking about my favorite scene in the book, how I came up with the theme in the book, and what I'm working on next.

Perhaps the most interesting post is on Havan's Heavenly Haven where I'm answering the question: Why did Eric do a complete 180 from book one to book two. 

As always, you can increase your chances at the grand prize by going to all these places (and past places as well) and doing the Rafflecopter. The grand prize is a $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of A Life Without You (novel), Hot Hands (novelette), and The Walls Have Ears (short novella) for one (international) winner.

Boston Boys blurb:

Twenty-three year old Jasper Jones fell in love with Dean McQueen at fourteen, but after a disastrous relationship, Jazz would like nothing better than to see the rock star choke on his own vomit.

After a catastrophic reunion, Dean seems bent on destroying Jazz’s life. It all started when an impromptu bar performance ended up on YouTube and Jazz became an internet sensation overnight. The name “Jazdean” keeps popping up in headlines and the paparazzi stalk his every move. To make matters worse, Jazz is about to end up on the streets for the second time in his life. 

In a desperate attempt to keep his home, Jazz signs a deal with Dean’s band, Black Hurricane, to perform at a couple of concerts. It feels like one of Dean’s feeble attempts to get Jazz back, but painted into a corner like he is, Jazz has no choice.


The other tour stops:

August 18: Full Moon Dreaming
August 25: MM Good Book Reviews - Hearts on Fire (Two stops)
Sept 1: Velvet Panic - Fallen Angel Reviews - Havan Fellows (Three stops)
Sept 15: Up All Night, Read All Day - Love Bytes (Two stops)
Oct 6: It’s Raining Men - Michael Mandrake (Two stops)
Oct 13: Cate Ashwood
Oct 27: The Hat Party - Dawn's Reading Nook (Two stops)
Nov 3: Tara Lain
Nov 10: My Fiction Nook
Nov 17: Emotion in Motion - Kimi-Chan (Two stops)
Nov 24: Amanda C. Stone

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Paperbacks for GRL - Last Chance!

Hi guys,

I just wanted to remind you that you can order and buy my paperbacks for GayRomLit this year for a reduced price. I have to order my copies from my publisher this week, so I'm closing the order form on Tuesday September 2nd before 11.59PM. That's next Tuesday.

Black Hurricane for Only $5.59

We interrupt this blog with a quick announcement:

All Romance eBooks is having a Labor Day sale with 30% off all titles. That means:

Black Hurricane: $5.59
Absolutely Eric: $5.59
A Life Without You: $4.89

The College Fun and Gays individual books are $2.09 and the anthologies are $2.79 each.

Go splurge! This discount doesn't only apply to my books. I've already spent a small fortune.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Black Hurricane Blog Tour (3): $50 Amazon GC and Three Signed Paperbacks.

Today is the third stop during the Black Hurricane tour. Technically, it's the third and fourth stop, since there are two today, but I'm calling it the third stop. Please visit Hearts on Fire Reviews if you're curious about what might have happened if Jazz had refused to perform, while M/M Good Book Reviews posted their review:

"Both characters are great and neither is really the bad guy, both of them seeing things from their own points of view but Dean trying to make up for his callous teenage self, while Jazz tries hard to hang on to his anger and resentment." - Pixie at M/M Good Book Reviews.

I'm offering a nice prize for one (international) winner. A $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of A Life Without You (novel), Hot Hands (novelette), The Walls Have Ears (short novella). I don't care if you live in a science camp on the North Pole, you'll get your package if you win.

What do you have to do for a chance to win? Do the Rafflecopter on the tour stops. The more stops you do it from, the more chance you have of winning. 

Here's the tour schedule. You can go back to the old dates to increase your chances:

August 18: Full Moon Dreaming
August 25: MM Good Book Reviews - Hearts on Fire (Two stops)
Sept 1: Velvet Panic - Fallen Angel Reviews - Havan Fellows (Three stops)
Sept 15: Up All Night, Read All Day - Love Bytes (Two stops)
Oct 6: It’s Raining Men - Michael Mandrake (Two stops)
Oct 13: Cate Ashwood
Oct 27: The Hat Party - Dawn's Reading Nook (Two stops)
Nov 3: Tara Lain
Nov 10: My Fiction Nook
Nov 17: Emotion in Motion - Kimi-Chan (Two stops)
Nov 24: Amanda C. Stone

Monday, August 18, 2014

Black Hurricane Blog Tour (2): $50 Amazon GC and Three Signed Paperbacks.

It's time for my second stop on the Black Hurricane blog tour, that was organized by Pride Promotions. Today it's Full Mooon Dreaming.

I'm offering a nice prize for one (international) winner. A $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of A Life Without You (novel), Hot Hands (novelette), The Walls Have Ears (short novella). I don't care if you live in a science camp on the North Pole, you'll get your package if you win.

Now, what do you have to do for a chance to win? Do the Rafflecopter on the tour stops. The more stops you do it from, the more chance you have of winning. 

Here's the tour schedule. You can go back to the old dates to increase your chances:

August 18: Full Moon Dreaming
August 25: MM Good Book Reviews - Hearts on Fire (Two stops)
Sept 1: Velvet Panic - Fallen Angel Reviews - Havan Fellows (Three stops)
Sept 15: Up All Night, Read All Day - Love Bytes (Two stops)
Oct 6: It’s Raining Men - Michael Mandrake (Two stops)
Oct 13: Cate Ashwood
Oct 27: The Hat Party - Dawn's Reading Nook (Two stops)
Nov 3: Tara Lain
Nov 10: My Fiction Nook
Nov 17: Emotion in Motion - Kimi-Chan (Two stops)
Nov 24: Amanda C. Stone

Sunday, August 17, 2014

GayRomLit 2014 SWAG

Last year, I brought around 50 copies of Hot Hands and put them on my SWAG table. They ran out like hotcakes and I was immediately sold on the idea that it was great and keepable SWAG. I'm bringing another 50 copies this year. It doubles as original art by Zathyn Priest, and since he'll be there too as an author you could try to bribe him to sign it as well.

For the book signing event, I will have free copies of The Walls Have Ears. I might even throw in a little something extra for a super fan or three (first super fans come, first super fans get!). Additionally, I'm looking into bookplate stickers for those who have my paperbacks at home. Just come see me at the book signing and I'll sign one for you.

I'm still undecided if I'm going to bring any books to sell, but if I do, it'll only be of Black Hurricane and it'll cost $14.50 (with sales tax). This is because all sales will have to go through an on-site vendor that charges 25% commission for every sale.

This doesn't mean you can't get Black Hurricane and my other books at the usual GRL-discounted price. I get my books cheaper from my publisher and I'm happy to sell them to you through the pre-order form below. Once I receive your payment through PayPal, I will set aside a book for you and deliver it to you at the conference.

If you're having problem seeing the form, here's a direct link:

As for other SWAG, I'm bringing postcards, character cards and bookmarks:


Bad quality in photo, sorry.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Second GRL Tour Stop: Giveaway

It's time for my second GayRomLit 2014 tour stop and this time it's at Love Bytes Reviews. I wrote about the different kinds of excitement I've had before each three times I will have attended after this year's retreat. Having dinner with Alexandr Voinvo and L.A. Witt, dancing with Rick R. Reed, and cuddling B.G. Thomas. Meeting Zathyn Priest this year. 

Anyway, there's a giveaway. Just do the rafflecopter on Love Bytes Reviews to take part. You could win an eCopy of A Life Without You ^.^


Jesse's like a bar of soap: the tighter Adam holds on, the faster Jesse slips away. Or that's how it feels to Adam. It doesn't help that Jesse has a girlfriend back home and claims to be straight, but there's no way with all the sparks and physical intimacy flying between the two roommates.

When Adam believes he has reached his ultimate happiness, the bedroom walls come crashing down with a visit from Jesse's girlfriend.

Now Jesse has to decide if he can come to terms with his sexuality, while Adam has to learn to accept that Jesse might never be able to crawl out of the closet.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Black Hurricane Blog Tour: $50 Amazon GC and Three Signed Paperbacks.

We're on! That is, the Black Hurricane blog tour that Pride Promotion has been organizing. It will be a mixture of excerpts, guest posts and interviews over the next four months with 25 stops along the way. I've never done anything like this before, so despite the countless (or 20ish) guest posts and interviews I have to do, it's exciting.

To top it off, I'm offering a nice prize for one (international) winner. A $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of A Life Without You (novel), Hot Hands (short novella), The Walls Have Ears (short novella). I don't care if you live in a science camp on the North Pole, you'll get your package if you win.

Now, what do you have to do for a chance to win? Do the Rafflecopter on the tour stops. The more stops you do it from, the more chance you have of winning. 

Here's the tour schedule (man, do I feel like a rock star, going on a tour and all!):

August 18: Full Moon Dreaming
August 25: MM Good Book Reviews - Hearts on Fire (Two stops)
Sept 1: Velvet Panic - Fallen Angel Reviews - Havan Fellows (Three stops)
Sept 15: Up All Night, Read All Day - Love Bytes (Two stops)
Oct 6: It’s Raining Men - Michael Mandrake (Two stops)
Oct 13: Cate Ashwood
Oct 27: The Hat Party - Dawn's Reading Nook (Two stops)
Nov 3: Tara Lain
Nov 10: My Fiction Nook
Nov 17: Emotion in Motion - Kimi-Chan (Two stops)
Nov 24: Amanda C. Stone

As you can see, Because Two Men Are Better Than One is the stop for today, so head on over and check it out ^.^