Saturday, August 9, 2014

Discounted Paperbacks for GayRomLit 2014

I probably won't sell books at GayRomLit this year due to complicated law and tax matters, but I've created this order form in case you'd like to buy some paperbacks beforehand. I would then deliver them to you at the event. The paperbacks cost between $11.70 and $13.45 from online retailers, so here's your chance to get them cheaper. Payments will have to be made through PayPal before the event starts. If I'll bring books to the convention to sell, they will cost 20-25% extra, plus sales tax, because of on-site sales commission.

As you can see on the form, I'm making a new anthology version for the College Fun and Gays series and I'm calling it Six Pack. It'll be all six stories in one binding. This version isn't out yet, but it will be before the event starts. 

So, if you'd like to order your paperbacks, here's the order form:

If you're having problem seeing this, here's a link to the order form:

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