Sunday, June 10, 2012

Plotting and Inspiration

I spent the better half of yesterday plotting Jazz It Up. For some reason I'm having difficulty writing the beginning of that story, and I almost always write from beginning to the end. I think I may have to abandon the beginning for now and just jump into the next scene. 

I have about half the book plotted, with conversation snippets and how everything plays out. I didn't do this with A Life Without You and had to edit A LOT. I did plot Absolutely Eric out, mainly because I kept thinking up funny things to write and needed a place to put them. I had to edit Eric a lot less as a result (some have said that Eric's book is all over the place, but that's just how Eric is. He's all over the place. I think the book is very well edited, but it's by no means a simple, easy-read book). 

So yeah, I just don't think I'm a seat-of-my-pants sorta person! I like structure and I like to be able to stick things in the right places when I think them up. It also makes editing easier because I'll know where everything is and I can switch scenes around before I write them. Things may take a different turn, I expect that since it always happens, but that's okay. I can adjust the whole skeleton as I go ;)

So Jazz, get read to be written! Took a month to write Eric, I plan to take the same time writing you (or less, if I can!). He's a cool, laid back guy with a past, and we're going to explore that past a bit.

Who is my visual inspiration for Jazz? Young Marcus Schenkenberg! Yeah, Jazz is a pretty boy. You won't believe whom I've pared him up with ^.^



  1. Oh you know I can't wait to read this one...I'm so happy the book is coming along.

    1. Oh my god, I just got so inspired today, not only by the photos, but also by a beautiful singing voice I heard. It suddenly hit me how I can start the story and I've scratched the old one (using bits from it though). Now I'm on a roll...without wanting to jinx it. Knocking on wood, 7-9-13 and all that.

  2. I'm a pantser. My outline is usually just chapter ideas and then I write my way through them. Often I've seen several of the scenes VERY clearly in my head, but I don't have an 'outline' in the traditional sense. I do quite a bit of editing, but not an unseemly amount.

    I hope to read Jazz it Up when it releases. :)


    1. Yeah, it seems that when I get very inspired I can read at the seat of my pants, but I've been struggling with this book lately and outlining it seems to have helped. I know I said I'd skip the first scene...but I ended up scrapping it and starting from a different place. It worked and I'm now writing my nails off ^.^

    2. Er...I can "write" at the seat of my pants. I can "read" whenever I don't have a headache :P
