The Backlist Hop is over and the winner is:
Jaime (jaimiessmiles)!
I've already sent you an email.
Thanks for stopping by, everyone :) There are loads more hops and giveaways coming. You can see them all in the right hand sidebar, but just to be sure, here's what's coming:
(16-22) Indulgent Blog Hop
(27-30) GLBT Madness Hop
(28-1) NBP's Back to School Bash (open for all authors)
(16-29) Howloween Blog Hop
(24-1) Wicked After Dark Blog Hop
(??-??) Makayla's December Bash
There will probably be more, but these are the ones I've signed up for.
And thank you muchly. My first blog hop and I won:) I've just read the first chapter and I love the humor.