Monday, July 22, 2013

Five Bestsellers in Eight Days

I know, it shocks me too. The first in the series, Hot Hands, is free and it ranks very highly in its categories (currently 5th in Romance), 1st in Romance > New Adult, and 23rd in Romance > Erotic Romance).

Yes, I'm talking about the College Fun and Gays series. Three titles sat in the Top 50 Bestsellers list on All Romance eBooks last Friday while four titles had earned their stars as a category bestseller. 

Cold Hands: Top 50 and category
The Walls Have Ears: Top 50 and category
Welcome, Brother: Category
Little Stalker: Category

Grade-A-Sex Deal is no longer in the Top 50, it was first to reach it and first to go, but Cold Hands and The Walls Have Ears are still there :) 

Cold Hands also reached the top 100 list on Amazon. The only screenshot I captured was the 16th place in Erotica, but I have no idea if it went higher (damn time differences). I don't know if the other titles reached the top 100 there, since you don't get a notification and I failed to check. When I checked on Cold Hands, they weren't in the top 100, so let's just assume they never made it. Most of the sales have gone through All Romance eBooks anyway ^.^

This is my first "OMIGOSH" post of this kind, so I hope you'll bear with me. I'm afraid this will come off as if I'm bragging, but I'm really just very excited about the success of these stories. It was so unexpected. Four of these titles are republished (five, if we include Hot Hands), and one is brand new. A Life Without You and Hot Hands earned their stars on All Romance eBooks last year, but I didn't know about it back then. It wasn't until much later that I discovered it. This is why you're currently seeing me with stars in my eyes and a huge grin on my face; this is my first real success report. 

But it's not about bragging. I'm thankful to everyone who bought one of these books (and my other books), and continue to be thankful. I'm also thankful to Douglas Black for editing the series, and Zathyn Priest who made these lickalicious covers. So, thank you, thank you, thank you, all, for unintentionally bringing a smile to my face. I hope you like the books ^.^

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