Wednesday, October 10, 2012

GayRomLit SWAG

Wha! Lex Valentine just finished making my collector cards for GayRomLit. I'm ordering them tonight and pray that they're ready before the convention starts. Lex is also making a double-sided bookmark for me.

I'll be making more SWAG posts as the convention nears. There's some already in ABQ at a fellow author's house and some on its way. I think I may have gone a little overboard, but this is my first time! Besides, if I go home with a suitcase full of SWAG I'll have some for the next conventions I attend (and stuff for giveaways!).

So, here are the collector cards that will be available (for free) at GRL:

...and Eric at the very top of this post.


  1. They are so pretty. Wish I was going!

    1. Yeah, I'm especially pleased with Eric ^.^ He pretty much looks like that in my head (took hours to find the perfect match!). Lex has probably sworn me off for future projects, because I was so picky on the models. It's like that with the College Fun and Gays stories as well, so now they just let me pick my own images :P

      Hmm... You've given me an idea. Maybe I should host a SWAG giveaway?

  2. Great cards. Wish I was going!
